Friday, November 15, 2013

"Bastion of Pragmatism"

So I had a blog I wrote a ton in... super personal thoughts I'd reflect up on and edit.... which I still intend to write in from time to time... but I also just needed a blog I could just write in more casually... and thus this began... only I never really got fully into it like I intended... so I went in and played with the fonts and did some stuff to it ....  so hopefully it will something I am more apt to post things in here and there...

So the title for today come from Thursday's work day... up at the high school...  Miraculously, all the students were gone by 4pm, each of us did our own thing with small talk here and there... at one point I think I pointed out to Anderson that he helps students too much, he gives them to much of the answer an does not expect enough out of them....

Out of the blue,  Beth pipes up and says something about each of our teaching styles -- Anderson does too much for the students, she's full of sarcasm, and then me... "Bastion of Pragmatism"... it drives me nuts when the kids want to cheat or do not care or want to have the answer given to them... I believe in making them work for it....

And that is about all for today... or tonight... but here is my attempt to recommit to writing in the blog....

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