Friday, September 27, 2013

Something funny... from the High School to my life...

Two funny stories...

This year, I have been working through Americorps at a local high school with their after school program. As students come in, we (myself and another student from USU) are there to help the students with whatever homework they need help with.

At the beginning of the week, I was sitting there helping on girl with her math, and the girl next to her got on her phone, and promptly began speaking in Spanish with her mom. It was a relatively short conversation... and she seemed to ask her mom how much money she made a year. I had to laugh, as I translated it out loud... I do not know Spanish by any formal means, but I have had a fair amount of exposure to it.. and I did take three years of French in high school...

As soon as the words came out of my mouth, the first girl working on her math next me, dropped her pencil in pure shock. "You know what she just said?!?!" Well yes... I think I do... "That is huge...!!" Huge?!? How could it be such a big deal, I wondered. "You will make it far with a Latino, man!" Ohhh... I smiled and teasingly said, "As long as he's rich, I don't mind."

This broke into a short question and answer period where they both proceeded to ask me if I was married, how many children I had, because I can have kids if I am not married...I think they talked more then I did through the conversation...

Now at this point (and not really at any point) I am not biased about the race of guys whom I have or will date.... and in Logan, Utah of all places, I can not afford to be picky... and money... well one can only hope, eh? But if not... I am sure I will be fine to, "come what may, and love it"...

The other interesting story from school this week, occurred in reading over a scholarship essay where the girl talked about overcoming Tichotillomania. (For those who do not know, it is where you pull your hair out...) and now I have studied so much I wonder I am developing that ... I would have never ever thought about that, if it was not for reading over and editing that essay.... So glad this week is almost over... one more test tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Do you remember...the miracles??

"Do you remember?" seems to be the question of the day.  Rightfully so ... in my Dad's era it was Kennedy... In my 'era' the question is, "Do you remember where you were when found out about the World Trade Center on 9/11?"

Do I remember? Yes I was a student at WSU, and for some reason I had chosen to go into work, at the alumni center that morning... I walked in to our office, where three of us had our desks out in a common area (with little offices out to the sides)... Lorene had pulled TV stand out and was watching the news....the news I knew nothing about.. as it all unraveled... I sat there frozen in my chair... I remember watching the towers... then the pentagon...

But there were miracles? Yes there were... Lorene had actually work in the Pentagon... so when she called back to check with people... this is where one small miracle took place... for some reason... the wing hit... was the wing where construction had been taking place...thus... the least amount of people were impacted with that hit...

And there is also the amazing story of Rick Rescorla that always gives me chills....

So this 9/11 I encourage you to remember the miracles... and look forward... times are only going to get worse, but after all one wise man said... "... fear Not. Be of good cheer. The future is as bright as your faith..." 

Timing of experiences...

I do not remember really 'meeting' Carol.. but I was told I needed to talk to her before I even knew who she was... after seeing a picture of her, I knew her as the sister who always smiled at people. I do not think I have ever seen her without a smile..

This summer I got to know her better, specifically one warm day in July as we walked a good part of 15 miles together one day...

Tonight as I saw her, and we reflected back we talked about some of the experiences we had... I told her in the moment I did not realize the impact of what my experience was and that it would have on me.  I  told her it was in sharing and testifying of what I had learned from it that I found the power behind what I learned...

Similarly, Carol reminded me of the following quote, "You can now more force the spirt to respond then you can force a bean to sprout, or an egg to hatch before it's time. You can create a climate to foster growth, nourish, and protect; but you can not force or compel: you must await the growth."

She shared how she tried to create one that was not for her to have, but yet when she was able to step back and look out, that is where her experience was born...

We shared with each other how we anticipated learning or growing in one area, by learning, studying, and praying, yet that was not the growth given...

Tonight, I was yet again reminded... creating the climate does not always determine when or what growth will take place... it only guarantees there will be growth... there are factors I do not control for the growth of my seeds -- temperature, light, and even the time to seed before the last frost... So wether my experiences are like the radishes germinating after 5-7 days or the parsnip at 14-21 days... If I have done my part, the seeds will grow... but because I am not the farmer of my life, I do not decide when these seeds are planted, rather I am the field hand. I trust the farm knows what he's planted and will direct me in my labors...