Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Do you remember...the miracles??

"Do you remember?" seems to be the question of the day.  Rightfully so ... in my Dad's era it was Kennedy... In my 'era' the question is, "Do you remember where you were when found out about the World Trade Center on 9/11?"

Do I remember? Yes I was a student at WSU, and for some reason I had chosen to go into work, at the alumni center that morning... I walked in to our office, where three of us had our desks out in a common area (with little offices out to the sides)... Lorene had pulled TV stand out and was watching the news....the news I knew nothing about.. as it all unraveled... I sat there frozen in my chair... I remember watching the towers... then the pentagon...

But there were miracles? Yes there were... Lorene had actually work in the Pentagon... so when she called back to check with people... this is where one small miracle took place... for some reason... the wing hit... was the wing where construction had been taking place...thus... the least amount of people were impacted with that hit...

And there is also the amazing story of Rick Rescorla that always gives me chills....

So this 9/11 I encourage you to remember the miracles... and look forward... times are only going to get worse, but after all one wise man said... "... fear Not. Be of good cheer. The future is as bright as your faith..." 

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