Sunday, November 9, 2014


I love the warm nights... it is November 9th, for a little while longer while I tap this out on my computer... I have that feeling of wanting to write, but do not know of what I will write about.
Life has been a lot of twists and turns lately, with more ups then downs... but there are some constants I love... one is the peace I can find when I look for it outside....

I love the constant of the out doors... as I sit here, on my roof, typing away, I love hearing the night breeze with the rustle of the leaves, and the distant sound of a single cricket....... I love how warm it is for this time of year... There is something about being out doors, taking a moment to appreciate it that stirs me within.... I have learned to love and embrace each time of year, but this year with the extended warmth of fall, I have yearned to be out more. Although I have not always been able, I have had many opportunities to drive home, down the canyon amidst an amazing sunset that calls to me... Despite my efforts, I do not have the skills to photograph while driving... and I think it may be kind of dangerous... so sometimes all I can do is look, and inhale it as I drive through the golden mountains. 

And moments like this, when it is still warm enough for me to sit outside and attempt to describe my gratitude for the world around us... the crunch golden leaves around me, with the warm breeze.... it smells of fall... and the the air has a cool edge to it, reminding me that the season will succumb to winter soon enough.... but for now I am grateful....

Do you find those moments? Look for them, they will be there for you if you are still and find them... I promise.

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