Saturday, May 10, 2014


This week has brought some of the 'highest highs' along with some of the 'lowest lows'... but that is not what I am here to write about...

Tonight I heard a line, which I will paraphrase, in a documentary, it was not even stated by the main character... Yet it is was something I thought of... just earlier this week...

" are born alone... you walk alone... you die alone... you learn to be grateful for the time when others walk with is really about the relationships and that is what makes life meaningful..." (I know, pretty liberal paraphrase) From her experiences, she learned to be grateful for the times that she did not have to walk alone...

Reflect back to Wednesday afternoon with me, around four I walked into a cultural hall, the back up venue for a wedding dinner and reception as decorative flags are being draped across the room in different directions...before I even get to the entrance I see three of my friends, some whom I have now known for over seven years... I am greeted with a big hug from two of them...before long we select a seat next to some more friends.... it was good to see others and catch up... but mostly just to be with them...

As the dinner progressed the family members of the bride and groom spoke, followed by the bride, and then the groom... they are both amazing, impressive people. Although I do not know the bride super well, just last week we had a short conversation where I saw I side I never knew of her, what an amazing woman...

From there, as the reception started I snuck out to pick my sister up at the airport. I was not with her for very long... but it was good to see her...

As I went back to the reception I spoke with three or four other friends before I snuck out to start the drive back to Logan... as I drove away I recognized I felt so happy. I thought about it for a while... why? What was it that had made me so happy?

I can not say that I came to a full answer to my questions... but I will tell you that these friends have deep routed bonds & connections that have been kept over the years... those relationships ... we are all so different... but I did come to a conclusion... they are all the kind of people who love to reach out others and always put more of an emphasis on others over themselves.... Maybe that is one of the things that makes those so meaningful to me...

So as I drove, I looked at all around me... I was grateful for the intense clouds parting the way for the new snow coated mountains pointing upward to the stars in the sky... But even more I was grateful
for those relationships that are still there, despite the separation of millage and time...

Yes, relationships with others are one of the most valuable thing one can develop in this life...

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