Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Life Race

Sometimes in life we run the maddening marathon, pounding the pavement. While other times in life, we stroll the sandy beaches as the tide pulls in and out. My life has felt more like the first of the two, but even the marathon runner crashes or hits their wall... And for me that was this morning...

I woke up before 5 am, attempting to go back to sleep, but finally getting up just before 7 am... I did not feel great, but also not bad. By the time I started teaching my first lesson my stomach was beginning to express some anger.... with in five minutes it was screaming and yelling at me. Needless to say I did not keep teaching, rather I came home... after pulling over to grace all the truckers on I-80 with round two views of my breakfast they never wanted to see..

I do not know where the day has been or gone... there has been a lot of sleeping, I have been cold, and thankfully, "my belly does not hurt too bad anymore" and the phrase "this too shall pass" feels like a reality rather then I dream...  I do not write about this to call people to check in on me... I am good... (bless the new roommate who ran to the store for me before she went to the office!) crazy as it sounds it has been mental health day as well as physical health day for me.

I have done some reflection of things from the last few weeks... some of the experiences have been new, but others have been same story, different chapters.... The marathon this time has included new views, and great learning...

Runners are often asked why they run... some say it is the high, while others say it is the accomplishment... I submit that as we 'run through our days' that we need to be reminded of why we do what we do. What brings in the joy or the encouragement to continue the race? What is stopping us from just sitting down on the side of the road, and saying, "I am tired now" (like my little nephew did this summer)? Or are there changes we need to make on our route that will enable us to love that race just a bit more? Is it our environment? Is it the heat? Once we become too comfortable with the path, maybe it is time to add something new to it...

So today as I have drifted from dreams of the past to the present, I am grateful that there are little things I have been able to do while running this current race. They have made the views a little different a little more enriching, making the colors a little more vibrant... do not forget to work those things into your days for they are what will make the journey worth it, creating the endurance needed as you go from day to day....